About Us

Our Mission


To provide an interdisciplinary network of knowledgeable estate, tax, financial, legal, and fundraising professionals in Southern Arizona; to promote philanthropy through education about major gifts and planned gifts; and to help mission driven organizations connect with their support base in meaningful and uplifting ways.


If you are already a member of the Planned Giving Roundtable of Southern Arizona, you know that itā€™s a warm and inviting group of professionals generous with their time and knowledge. If you are a new member, welcome!

We continue to grow our network and spread the spirit of giving. Not necessarily donations, but our cumulative experience and expertise. Each person who attends a PGRTSA event receives quality educational programming. Those sessions might include legal updates, best practices in nonprofit and/or professional advising, or emerging trends. Attendees also enjoy the warmth of a community of kind, committed professionals. And thereā€™s breakfast.

Our group brings attorneys, accountants, fiduciaries, insurance agents, trust officers and nonprofit professionals together with a common goal of doing what we do better. Learning the ins and outs of other practices helps us all provide the highest standards of customer service and ethics. Learning with and alongside professionals from other disciplines has rewards beyond the knowledge itself. Maintaining meaningful relationships with colleagues over the years enriches our work--and our lives--on a daily basis. As you build your network of professionals and friends, participate in PGRTSA, and you will find that you can serve your donors or clients better because you have the knowledge and support of like-minded people behind you.

PGRTSA helps us all develop rewarding connections in our community. We all sit at an equal place at this table. Youā€™ve pulled up a chair. Feel free to swap a story. Or twelve.

Thank you for joining and let us know if thereā€™s anything we can do to make your experience better.

Warmest regards,

Jacquelyne J. Mingle
PGRTSA 2023 President


Our Purpose 


To provide a forum for discussion, collaboration, and education about planned giving issues.


To raise awareness of issues affecting charitable giving, including regulation, legislation, and trends.


To provide opportunities for members to enhance knowledge, expertise, and professional connections.


To help members get to know and learn from a variety of professionals in various stages of their careers.


To promote planned giving as a profession and provide mutual support to those committed to philanthropy.

Our Values


We strive to engage all constituents in the charitable gift planning process: planned giving and major gifts professionals, nonprofit managers and trustees, financial advisors and estate planners, trust managers and administrators.


We bring together a variety of professionals in various stages of their careers to teach and learn in order to provide meaningful charitable giving experiences. Fundraisers, financial professionals, attorneys, and anyone else committed to philanthropic planning. All are welcome.


Members of CPGR adhere to the National Association of Charitable Gift Planner’s code of ethics, as outlined in the Model Standards of Practice of the Charitable Gift Planner.